Trips over 15 km from Čenkovice
Česká Třebová
This town on the border between Bohemia and Moravia is traditionally linked with the railways. But also worth visiting is the beautiful surrounding countryside with its many cycle routes and cross-country skiing trails, and the town itself with its Renaissance and mediaeval sites, and the St Catherine Romanesque rotunda. Right next to the town is Kozlovksý hill and the 52 m high Max Švabinský viewing tower.
This historically important town was founded on a trading route. A number of unique buildings have been preserved from its long history, such as the Monastery gardens, the Portmoneum, Dům U Rytířů (Knights’ House). The castle site was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1999. Litomyšl has attracted many important figures through its lively cultural events, and today it is not just a museum, but a modern town which brings together historical sites and traditions (the Smetanova Litomyšl festival, e.g., has been held since 1949) with modern architecture, enterprise and sports.
Ústí nad Orlicí
This district capital, rich in architectural gems (e.g. the functionalist theatre building, the Art Nouveau Hernychova vila), is enriched with many cultural and sports events over the whole year.
The wide range of sports facilities (from tennis courts, saunas, gyms, skating rinks and bowling alleys to the modern water park and sports airport) can also be enjoyed by town visitors. The historical centre of this so-called Manchester in East Bohemia was declared an urban reservation zone in 1991.
Andrlův Chlum
A fifty-metre telecommunications tower with viewing platform is open on this 556 m hill all year round. The structure replaced the previous Czech Hiking Club viewing tower in 1996, and is one of the most visited viewing towers in the Czech Republic.
This town on the banks of the Tichá Orlice has historical buildings to view, such as its Classicist rebuilt castle with landscape garden, Marian column and the Neo-Renaissance town hall.
There are also a number of nature reserves in the picturesque surroundings.
Litice Castle
The extensive Gothic castle site contains an exhibition of period postcards and archaeological discoveries from the 15th to 17th centuries, and a hunters’ shooting range. There is a pleasant view from the castle tower. Exhibitions, fencing tournaments and other cultural events are occasionally held here.